Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, the "cold" got the best of me this weekend/week. It actually wasn't a cold, it was , well IS, an Infection. I've been seeing my ENT everyday, and will be seeing him EVERYDAY for the next month or so. Blah. I've been learning a lot about the way Koreans treat their sick patients, and the different ways they use medicine. Let's just say, that in comparison to...ahem...Canada (LOVE you! :) ) Korean doctors seem to spend a lot more time with their patients and they give you a lot, ALOT more drugs and medicine, which in my case is pretty good :) ... But probably bad in the long run.

Anywho, this weekend was an EPIC fail, I wasn't able to do anything...It was just me, my bed, and a lot of movies and TV Shows. I did get a lot of rest, which I absolutely needed. Fun weekend right...?! Yay? Nay?

Friday is a national holiday because it's Buddhas' Birthday! Not quite sure what I'll be doing, no crazy traveling or adventures, but i do know I'll be going to a KPop concert on Saturday, which should be Interesting to say the least...

On a completely different topic, Some may know that I'm a total lip balm junkie and this week I've been in LOVE with the Christian Dior Color Awakening Lip balm. It's extremely hydrating, the color subtly adjusts to my own natural lip color and it gives me a nice soft pink color.

It's supposed to give everyone a different color, since it adjusts to your natural lip hue, so your color is customized. I'm a huge suck for cute packaging and the design on this one excellent!

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