Saturday, July 3, 2010

Did you know...

that in Korea (and most Asian countries such as China, Singapore, Philippines and Japan)you can get MC Donald's food delivered to your house...with free delivery? :) I know it's totally unhealthy but once in a while it doesn't hurt to get some McD's fatty goodness ; )

On the same note, I do want to add that food delivery here is absolutely AMAZING. It's super quick, you can get pretty much ANYTHING delivered to your house, which is nothing new per say BUT here's the cool part: you get your food delivered super quick, you get free little "side dishes", and you would think that the food is delivered with plastic or boxed cutlery and paper plates etc...BUT it is delivered with actual breakable dishes and cutlery...NO plastic.

Once you are done with your food you simply put the dishes and cutlery in a bag outside your house and in about 2-3 hours...they will pick it up.

Pretty ingenious right? They are saving on paper plates and plastic utensils, which is great for the environment AND it is delivered and picked up for free + NO TAXES and if you tip them, it is considered rude...HA!

On a side note: I'm seriously BAFFLED at how Korean women can stay SO skinny with food and eating out being so inexpensive. It's cheaper here to eat OUT instead of grocery shopping and staying in.

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